State Geospatial Directorates

Survey of India has Geospatial Directorates in majority of the states. These State GDs will become the pivotal agencies for local coordination and leverage their technical expertise. 

Roles & Responsibilities

Coordination and Planning: 

  • Develop and execute state-level operational plans in alignment with the objectives of Operation Dronagiri.
  • Collaborate with central and state government agencies to identify possible data resources.
  • Coordinate with local authorities for the smooth execution.

Data Collection and Management:

  • Data collection across various regions within the state.
  • Ensure the accuracy and quality of the geospatial data collected.
  • Manage the storage, processing, and dissemination of geospatial data as required. 

Technical Support and Capacity Building:

  • Provide technical support and training to field teams involved in Operation Dronagiri.
  • Build capacity within state agencies to utilize and interpret geospatial data for various applications.

Quality Assurance:

  • Implement quality control measures to ensure the integrity and reliability of the geospatial data.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Engage with various stakeholders, including government departments, private sector, academia, and local communities, to promote the use of geospatial data.
  • Facilitate the integration of geospatial data into state-level planning and decision-making processes.

Reporting and Documentation

  • Prepare regular reports on the progress and outcomes of Operation Dronagiri within the state.
  • Document best practices, challenges, and lessons learned to inform future initiatives.

KPIs –  To ensure successful implementation of OD in all locations.

Reporting Structure : Reports to SGO, SoI.